
About: Janice Cartwright

Oh my goodness, not so comfortable talking about myself. I can tell you what brings me joy and that is touching hearts, divine appointments from the Father, God's creation, finding beauty in the small, and creating beauty from raw materials God has provided. I have dabbled in writing, most genres, and photography of nature. I believe gratitude to be the highest form of thinking and I believe in the God Who stooped. My identity is is entwined with Jesus's own. His breast is my home. Right now I am thankful for my husband who has a purpose in pointing others to the Savior, the One Who stands at the door and knocks. If you step to the door, open it and invite Him in He will walk in, recline and dine with you. When a person takes that step he or she will find that most intimate relationship with the King of all creation, high and majestic, yet near and dear as you repent of your sins and surrender your life to His Lordship. Jesus will literally take up residence in your heart and use you as a holy vessel, set apart for His use.

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